Sunday, July 24, 2011

God, Ghosts, and the Supernatural!

It really trips me out how there are Christians who believe in God but condemn people who believe in ghosts and watch Harry Potter! Let's seriously put our thinking caps on people! The God you believe in is a supernatural being. If you are going to believe in one supernatural being then seriously why not believe in them all? Let me educate you a little bit. Supernatural: of, pertaining to, or being above or beyond what is natural; unexplainable by natural law or phenomena; abnormal. The supernatural is unexplainable so how can you explain the presence of a God nor can you explain the presence of ghosts and witches. You can't have it both ways and just because it was written down doesn't make it true.

You may be condemning me now because I do not believe in God. The thing is that I do not believe in the unexplainable. I need hard evidence and facts. If I lived my life on the faith that what everyone told me was true then I would be one screwed up individual. You have to do research and gather evidence for yourself. You have to be the scientist and find out what is right. The Christian church is the same governing body that used the Bible to justify the legality of slavery and discrimination and were going to fight to the death with their belief that the world was flat. I can't in good conscious follow a belief system that a few short generations ago would have took my rights away from me because the pigmentation of my skin is darker than what is "right".

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